Stasha is even trusting enough to let me announce it without telling her what it is first. I hope she doesn't regret that....
Next week, I would love for everyone to write 10 reasons why you do or do not want more children! OR, if you don't have kids, 10 reasons why you don't, including if you ever will.
Now I know this could potentially be too personal for some people (then again, we are bloggers), but I implore you to find a way you can comfortably talk about it. You can make it funny, sarcastic, just practical or really heartfelt. Set whatever tone you want. I promise neither Stasha nor myself will let anyone get away with saying anything judgy! We all know the choice to have children is a big deal.
OK? Good. Now back to this week!
Today's Listicle topic is 10 things that make a perfect vacation chosen by @HStayingAfloat.
How should I know? I don't go on vacation in the true sense of the word.
A true vacation is when you get to stay in a hotel and be waited on hand and foot.
Our vacations always involve visiting family and friends. Which isn't awful by any means. But family and friends rarely pamper you. They're all, you're not a guest here, make yourself at home!
Yeah. At home I do chores. Thanks.
I kid. Maybe.
Soooo, my list will be what I would love to experience on vacation.
1. I would love to take my children to Disney World. That needs no explanation.
2. My and Mark's dream vacation....
3. ...is a Mediterranean (I spelled it right!) cruise that drops us off in...
4. ...Egypt so we could see the pyramids and fly home from there.
5. I would die for a week at...
6. ...a resort spa where I would...
7. ...get massaged, clipped, dipped, waxed, exfoliated and toned. I would eat yummy froo-froo stuff, do yoga, and knit and read at night. I have entered several sweepstakes to win such a trip.
8. Our honeymoon, while only to San Diego, was pretty ideal. We had plenty of money to do and eat whatever we wanted.
9. We ate a meal in La Jolla that is to this day one of the most memorable of my life. Two words: lobster and sunset. We had so much fun together!
10. In short, the perfect vacation would be to somewhere I've never been before (plenty of places to choose from), I would stay in a hotel and just play and relax. Probably what anyone would say.